To be functionally stable means to have a solid foundation from which you can build and grow. Stability is not merely the absence of wobbling or imbalance; it's the ability of your body to maintain equilibrium despite external forces acting upon it. The importance of stability is far reaching, which is why it is highlighted as one of TAP’s 8 Habits of Movement.
Stability starts on the inside, your core. The true definition of the core is your axial skeleton, your spine. A strong and stable spine allows you to produce more force through your extremities. Being able to develop this kind of control keeps you safe from the chaos associated with repetitive stresses found in the gym and in everyday life.
Stability training transcends age and fitness levels. It's accessible to everyone, adaptable to individual needs, and scalable to varying degrees of difficulty. Whether you're rehabilitating from an injury or preparing for an athletic competition, stability exercises offer a versatile toolkit for progress and growth. By incorporating stability exercises into your routine, you enhance proprioception – the body's ability to sense its position in space. This heightened awareness translates into improved coordination and agility, making you more adept at navigating various physical challenges.
At TAP, we incorporate the following stability exercises into our daily Performance Coaching:
Plank Taps
Begin in plank position with hands directly under shoulders and shoulder blades engaged with head/neck in a neutral spine position. Maintain a neutral spine with abdominal muscles braced and while keeping one hand firmly on ground, reach the opposite hand across the body to the opposite shoulder and repeat.
Glute Bridge and Reach
Lie on your back with arms by your side and hands in a fist. Legs are bent and feet are flat on the ground. You should be able to touch your heels with your finger tips as a starting reference point. Push through your feet evenly elevating your hips off the ground and engaging both glutes until your spine is aligned with your thighs and simultaneously reach both arms over your head.
Half Kneel Side Plank
Begin by lying on your side with your forearm on the ground at 90° bend at elbow and shoulder. Keep legs stacked on top of each other with knees flexed at 90° and hips flexed at 45°. Elevate your hips off the ground until your spine is aligned with your pelvis by creating pressure on your down side knee and activation your lateral hip muscles to lift you up.
In conclusion, stability isn't just a physical attribute – it's a mindset, a practice, and a journey towards holistic well-being. By prioritizing stability training in your fitness regimen, you lay a solid foundation for strength, resilience, and vitality that reverberates through every aspect of your life. So, stand firm, embrace the wobble, and let stability be your guiding light on the path to fitness excellence.